None of this goes together but well, do my thoughts normally go together if we're honest? Usually when I wait a few days between posts it is because there is nothing to write about and no new pictures. Or I am on a trip/vacation--like I do that a lot. Twice this last year. Anyway I know it's been a few days and I thought I'd explain: I feel like I'm carsick all day. Every day. The nausea has kicked in and I'm on meds round the clock so I can take care of my kids. I have one pill that I take during the day that doesn't really do a whole lot-just takes the really bad edge off and then I have one that really works but puts me to sleep. Since Sean is on a trip I can't exactly take that one so it's been a rough couple days. Sorry to complain but you can't really talk back and tell me to "buck up," so I thought I'd mention it to explain why I haven't been updating! A few things that don't go together:
Sean calls McDonalds "McNasty's." I do not share his disgust for McDonalds. I actually love their cheeseburgers and really love their big straws. I mean you can choke on a gulp if you're not experienced with their straws. Yum. We go to McDonalds most Sundays on our way home from church because there is one right by our house and the kids are starving since our church doesn't end until 12:35-45. Yeah I know that's just wrong. Anyway we were making our weekly trip last week and Sean decided he wanted something different and looked at the menu for a few minutes. If you ask me he took way too long but anyway he picked something and started ordering. This is what he says:
Speaker Lady (SL): Hello welcome to McDonalds, can I take your order?
Sean (S): Yes, I'd like a # 2 for my pregnant wife, a large fry for my son, and a Big N Nasty.
SL: What?
S: Laughing so hard can't talk
SL: What did you want? I no understand you.
**There was also a language barrier.**
I find stuff like this hilarious because Sean never does stuff like that without planning it out and I knew he hadn't. He wanted a Big N Tasty but since he thinks of McDonalds as McNasty's he got confused.
Ty has learned to go up the ladder and down the slide by himself! Victory! We were a little worried the first few times but now he is a pro and he is soooo proud of himself. He loves doing it so much that Wednesday when I took the kids to Denton to Sean's parents house he tried theirs out too. Without shoes on. I forgot his shoes at home. What kind of mother forgets shoes for her son who is an eternal mover/shaker? A nauseated one.
I bought Charlie a baby book this week. She is ten months old. I'm taking care of things, aren't I?
I have a copy of The Shack on my desk here and can't bring myself to read it. I've heard that it involves losing a child and I don't think I'm up for it right now. Hormones are the reason for the nausea and I don't think that is a good mix with a book about loss. I alternate between Blues Clues and Runway Moms for entertainment...nothing too engaging or emotional. Been learning a lot. See why I won't home school my kids? They would not learn anything!
I ripped my favorite jeans on Wednesday and man was that sad. They are stretchy and I've worn them about 200 times in the last two years. Might explain why they were a little thin around the knees. I was playing with Charlie on the floor trying to motivate her to crawl and twisted the wrong way...rrriiiiiiiiipppppp. It was that loud.
My brother and his family will be in town this weekend and we're going to the State Fair. A tradition in my family and not in Sean's family. We've made him go the last three years and he actually has fun once he gets there. The corn dogs have a good pull on him. Personally I like the funnel cake. Last year I could only eat a few bites because I was already on my diabetic diet so Charlie wouldn't come out weighing 12 pounds. She only weighed 8'11. Three weeks early. Okay I ate almost the whole funnel cake.
Babies are up...bye bye.