Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lord Help Us

It's been a big weekend here. Friday night I decided to drive down to my mom's house with the kids for the night and acknowledged it was UT/OU weekend but thought to myself, "Well, it's 6:00 p.m. the day before the game so people who are already in town are already out...doing their thing...and people who are coming in tomorrow are, well, coming in tomorrow so we'll be fine." An hour and half later, while still on the toll road heading south, I punted and turned around. I was only five miles away from my house. Had this happened when I was pregnant with Charlie my road rage would have likely gotten the best of me. It was the kind of traffic that makes you want to cry. Just ask my children. They both did (6 o'clock is pushing it for bed time anyway,) so we came home, slept then headed out early the next morning. 

My brother and his family are in town so we got to see them Saturday for a few hours. We only see them every few months and the main attraction is Henry, their 14 month old son. He started walking since we last saw him and he's a sweet little man. We'll see how he does at the State Fair tomorrow--on that note, if you've got extra prayers for silly things laying around, could you attach Ty's name to one of them and send it up? Thanks so much. We'll see how he does at the State Fair too. Around his age I got lost at the same State Fair because I stopped to watch a lady eat french fries and when my parents found me I was asking her for one. How much does THAT sound like Ty? Oh my it runs in the family. It'll be interesting to see what/how he does tomorrow. I'm thinking bribes and time with Nattie just might get us through. His most spoken words right now are "Nattie" and "Popeye." The word "violin" is a close third and clearly the three go together. Dad always lets him hold/play the violin when he is at the house and it is like crack to Ty. Is that my first drug reference on my blog? Maybe...but it might not be the last.

Mom took about 50 pictures of the three kids yesterday so as soon as she sends them I'll post them. It has been her life's mission to get a good picture of them over the last year and I think she succeeded. I'll see what you think about who the kids look like-even Graham (brother) has said Ty looks more like him than Henry (his own son!)


Carley said...

Praying for you guys today! Hope the fair is fun...can't wait to see pics. :) I hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy it!

Emmy said...

The fair was great. SOMEBODY was praying, especially for the kids! Charlie was her usual content self. Her only toy was a french fry that she held in her hand from 5:00 to 6:30 PM. The same french fry!