Monday, April 5, 2010

Belated Birthday

I forgot to show y'all what Carley gave me for my Birthday-such a cool idea! I love it Carley! The 'belated' part is because it's like two weeks later and I'm just now showing you...she was on time as usual. She's always on time. For everything. For every birthday. It's amazing.

ps doesn't she have perfect penmanship? It's like it's own font.

It has our names on it and sits right by my computer. I've already used 10 sheets for grocery lists and phone messages. It is my own little personal assistant. Ha!

Many thanks Carley!

Oh and pss or pps or whatever: Sean took massive amounts of pictures during our weekend-o-fun and as soon as I can make him edit them I'll post them. I'm crossing my fingers for one with the three kids together to turn out...Joy was wailing and Ty was leaving the premises during most of the shoot. I'm dying to see them but technically what Sean's been doing instead is playing with the kids so I'm not complaining. In case he asks, I never complain on my blog about anything. Yes I'm asking you to lie. K thanks.


Emmy said...

I LOVE the stationery. Perfect for you, Mary! I want some for myself.

Julie said...

What a great gift!! I love presents :) Looking forward to seeing the pics. I saw you from afar at church on Sunday. You were havin a good up-do hair day!

Carley said...

Thanks for the shout out! I am so glad you like it!! That was a sweet post....