Friday, June 3, 2011

Flashback Friday

The "I'm thankful for today" edition

Because today, this is what happened.

We went here, got cool, and played with friends.

When it was time to go, the little toot yelled, "Come here sister!" Charlie ran up to her, grabbed her hand, and said, "Here I am, let's go."So they held hands all the way to the car. Without me telling them to. It was a moment.

I did laundry with a new helper. He's pretty cute.

The girls put Max to bed. About 15 times. Charlie is thrilled to have beach towels at her disposal. Apparently they are "magic sleep blankets" for kids, (or dogs, in this case,) who have trouble going to bed. Hmmmm I think maybe she learned some things at school. God bless preschool teachers.

I made yummy Pioneer Woman dinner. It's a blue cheese/basil/chicken/tomato something or other. It is a pasta dish.

You're welcome.

It's not a flashback but I know days like this just fly by. So today, on purpose, I just enjoyed it.

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