Monday, January 19, 2009

I Will Survive

Things had just gotten a little too boring. Kids were well, weather was nice, and the man had settled into a regular work schedule following lots of vacation time in Dec/January. Yesterday Charlie started coughing a little bit...nothing bad. We went to church and I had a day off that I spent with Carley and Jennie eating and seeing Bride Wars. Last night and then early this morning we could hear Charlie coughing but she wasn't acting sick while she was awake. Never one to shy away from the pediatricians' office, I took her in to make sure what she was doing wasn't carrying over from her last bout of...whatever it is she had. An hour and a half, one breathing treatment, one RSV test, lots of screaming, tears, sweat and vomit later, we are back home. On our way out of the office I was holding a sleeping Charlie when the fact that I'm pregnant couldn't be avoided and I had to go to the bathroom. Without oversharing let's just say while holding her I took care of business, washed both hands, pushed my stroller back out of the tiny bathroom while also holding the breathing machine that I had just been given that weighed about 12 pounds. All while chanting, "I will survive" in my head.

So far RSV test was negative, we survived our first breathing treatment, (just barely!) and the doctor mentioned that this might be the beginning of asthma. Nice. I'm off to my other doctor's office to get all set up with insulin for this pregnancy. Stick around people. Never a dull moment around here. 

1 comment:

Carley said...

Oh dear! Poor thing....I hope the asthma is not long term. I'm amazed at your talent in holding her and taking care of your other business!