Yesterday I went to Disneyland, also known as Northpark in Dallas. When Sean walked in the door from work I told him I loved him and got in the car--the garage door never closed :) He got home early enough for me to go meet his mom (Mimi,) and sisters to go Easter shopping. We talked and shopped for hours and it was a great vacation from the week. I was never an anxious person until I had a child and this week my anxiety level was so high I think it rubbed off on the kids. You hear that they can tell when you're edgy and they respond with equal edginess?? It's true. At least for my kids. I finally figured it out yesterday that if I could calm myself down before picking them up they did better. Once Sean got home and I breathed a sigh of relief so did they. And everyone slept all night. A first in a few days.
I'm continuing my vacation today, going to a movie and after that maybe I'll be ready to return to life. Only two Dr appointments this week, one Monday and one Tuesday. The sonogram is on Tuesday and as usual I'll update as soon as I can after it. Sean is on the hunt for a program that will make it easier to update from my phone so soon I can give a play by play. Brace yourself for the fun in that. Ha!
Happy Sunday
Shopping with the girls is ALWAYS a fun vacation day! Glad you are taking some time for yourself before Joy arrives!
I'm thinking of you this morning as you go in for your appointments over the next two days. I will be eager to read your report from Tuesday's appointment. I agree with with the ladies ALWAYS makes me feel I've tried on something that I just have to have and it doesn't fit?
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