Wednesday, February 27, 2013

When you get the news you dreaded

Well we got the news we've dreaded. It's cancer. Stage 1, which is the best type to have. It's the smallest area, the best shot at full recovery.

But it's cancer. The day mom got the call that she needed to go into the office to talk about the pathology report we knew. Her Dr calls her to tell her what he can so if it had been clear he'd have just called. My heart sank when she said, "We have to go in to see him. He said we have to talk about the results."

Oh Lord. Help me keep it together. Keep fear at bay. My toughest battle.

I put Mom and Dad into one car and I followed them in my car. I cried the whole way to the office.

Then I stood in the corner while the doctor explained what comes next. I started taking mental pictures, first of Mom then of Dad. Then I pictured all of the times in the last two years that they have stood by me bravely. It clicked that its my turn to take care of them. My turn to step up and listen to the directions. I can do this.

Lord help me, we can do this. We've lived through a lot worse than this. So will y'all pray for Mom? And pray for the logistics involved in her going to do radiation for 6 weeks, five days a week. Thanks y'all.


Miss Mommy said...

Mary, I am so sorry. I am fighting tears for you just now.

Bonnie said...

I will pray for complete healing for your mom, strength for you, and a good attitude and peace for you both!

Priscilla said...

Hi my friend. I'm already praying as you asked and also thanking God that it is "Stage 1, which is the best type to have...the smallest area, the best shot at full recovery." Your mom is so fortunate to have you there to care for her during this time!

Carley said...

I know how you feel as I watch my own mom go through this. But stage 1 is something for you to cling to and keep reminding yourself....that is best case!! It's not easy to hurt for our moms but it's a privilege to care for them as you stated. :) Love you and your family!

Judi said...

Everything that has happened to such a young person has made you the perfect daughter for your Mom.God never leaves your side and He has blessed you with amazing capabilities!!! Praise Him for Stage One!!!!!

clairebear said...


Natalie said...

Praying Mary! Your family is so strong. God will stand with you & your family through all of this!