Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Here there everywhere

I like to escape.

I hate feeling trapped. Planes, tunnels, small spaces I hate. Confined to a certain plan, a certain schedule. Ugh.

I'm a grown up though. I'm getting there. This is not new information for you.

Once school ended for the year we packed the car and drove down to my brother's house for the break. It was partly to distract us from potential sadness and partly to just satisfy my desire to disconnect from the stress I've been under. Big decisions aren't my best time to shine historically. Ahem.

Santa knew where we'd spend Christmas so the kids were on board to leave home for as long as I was. God love 'em I have one always ready to pack a bag and go with me and then I have two homebodies. Can y'all guess who is who?

I have time you can think about it. I'm actually in the air flying home from the trip I left for the day after we got back from the Christmas trip. High five for me getting away from reality! I will tell y'all more about this trip soon complete with pictures...they're all trapped on my phone. I'm pretty fancy as you know. I have Sean's fancy camera sitting at home and I even (kinda) know how to use it, but I don't. That thing is heavy and it usually draws some attention when I pull it out. Then people assume it's mine and that I know anything about it which I don't. They ask why I'm not familiar with it and I start to tell them and then things get awkward. See, I can't just say, "It was my husband's and now it's mine." Oh no, not me. Y'all know better than that. I launch into one of many life stories and before I know it I've given them much (MUCH) more info than they asked for.


So anyway back to what I was talking about. Anybody know what that was?

Time. Do you know who likes to go anywhere at a moments notice? Which kid is just Iike me?

This kid...

The other two? Home bodies. Twenty minutes into an outing I hear, "When can we go home?" Every time. Well except if we are at a water park. Or build a bear.


We drove down to Graham and Ana's in one day and it's a long drive. A. Long. Drive.

We made it and had a glorious time playing in the sun and doing things we haven't done in months at home because of the cold weather. Parks, playgrounds, and more parks. Cousin time rocks. So does time with siblings.

We ate lots of candy too. Can't leave that out. Oh and Lord knows we found a bowling alley. The new obsession of Ty's actually suits all four of us. Who'd have thought? I do wish bowling alleys wouldn't all play music so loud you can't hear anything else though. Do people bowl a better game, (Is that proper bowling lingo?) when loud rock music is blaring? Is there scientific proof of this?

I gotta get out more.

You were thinking it too.

Bye y'all. We're landing. My palms are sweating. Thank goodness for Xanax or I'd be in a heap of am anxiety attack after this flight. It was one of those where people probably had their hands up like it was a roller coaster.

Not my favorite kind of flight.

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