Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The World is Mine

Meet me, He did.  Not in the way I was joking about but He was there.  Story time was hilarious. Laugh out loud hilarious.  My wonderful, helpful friend Jennie was there with David and of course was taking care of him but also managed to help me.  First, this is what God showed me since I  wrote this morning.  Read through to the end and you'll get a play by play of what happened at the library.

I always tend to have a little pity party on the first day of Sean's trips. All of the madness by myself.  All of the feeding, all of the fits, and all of the dirty diapers.  Already today there have been three of those and I only have two kids.  Anyway, I know that it is coming and even prepare myself ahead of time but it almost always happens.  I could do this...or that...but I can't leave the house.  I could make this...or go there or make some really interesting crafty something or other but it might get left mid-project and not be seen again until Friday.  Then the glue would be dry and I'd have to start over.  Same song nine hundredth verse.

I was asking God for reassurance and direction when I thought about how much of a complainer I've turned into.  I always complained but I've turned into a spiritual complainer. "Lord, I know You see me here and You could change something.  Give them good sleep.  Make their teeth stop hurting.  Heal Ty's finger.  Do this please...and this next." Shame on me.  There are many things in my little corner of the world that are redundant.  So what.  There are a few things that stink.  Literally.  So what.  There are hundreds of times during each day to complain about these little people that can't help that they need care.  They are little.  They are helpless a lot of the time.  And they need me.  I am their mother.  They are my kids.  And I am a child of God who has been shown over and over how to apply God's Word to everyday life. No more pity parties.  Thank You, Jesus for this lesson!  I remembered a phrase, "The world is mine..." and felt a rush of forgiveness. I love this poem about being thankful.  

Okay so the library.  We arrived about ten minutes early.  I was deciding how to shuttle them in (I make it sound like I have 7,) when we drove up and I heard Ty's drink cup hit the floor of the car.  This means he finished his whole cup of water (with a splash of juice,) during the 6 minute drive from home to the library.  It's all good.  Thankfully, since I'm a planner (ha!) I brought a back-up cup. I might forget a lot of things but I've learned that my son is a heavy drinker. Couldn't help myself.  We almost always bring two cups. Ok I unload everybody and we make our way to the second floor. Ty has developed a fear of elevators.  No problem, we'll take the stairs.  Today he was also afraid of stairs.  So I carried one on each hip--right hip Charlie (24 pounds) and left hip Ty (35 pounds at last weigh-in).  No working out for me today.  Anyway we find Jennie and David in line and Ty doesn't want to hold my hand.  Now, when he doesn't want to do something he goes straight to yelling.  On a good day it's a whine but this was not a good day. Practicing my Love and Logic skills without endangering him or walking away from him, I made it into story time and the show started. They were doing great!  Jennie and I were amazed at how well it was going.  We were so proud.  Then Charlie got hungry.  I had a bottle so started feeding her and Ty wanted to get in my lap.  No problem.  One kid on each leg and one arm feeding Charlie, other arm consoling Ty.  Burp Charlie.  Ty starts eating goldfish.  Still feeling pretty proud.  Charlie sticks her finger in her mouth (teething,) and gags herself.  Vomits.  On me and on Ty since he's in my lap.  I start laughing and sweating and didn't stop sweating until my shower, which was an hour ago.  I had one burp cloth.  I know better.  I wipe Ty down and try to keep him happy while wiping Charlie off.  Charlie's hand hits the goldfish bowl that I'm simultaneously feeding Ty out of and the goldfish go flying.  The whole bowl full.  I start laughing again, (what else are you gonna do,) and start picking them up--thank you, Jennie--and keep Ty sitting down.  Once they stand up that's it.  By this time story time is nearly over. Lay Charlie down so she can see Jennie while I load the bag for the "Goodbye Song." Remove goldfish from hand of the baby crawling behind me. The mom was in the exact same boat so she had quick reflexes.  Again, Jennie and I said, "They did great!" And they did.  I was covered in bodily fluids, (more than I realized at the time,) but we survived! Victory!  Managed to make it through the elevator ride down even though Ty was glued to me and walked out to the car, only to discover that Charlie had pooped.  On me.  I talked to Sean right after I left the library and forgot to even mention that.  Happens a lot.  His words were, "You are a nut." Yep.  But today, I'm thankful.  


Emmy said...

The age counter is great! I really like knowing their exact ages so that I remember when people ask me.

Jamie said...

I'm sorry I missed story time today. Lizzie had a doctor appointment. I could have helped you out too. Congratulations on surviving all that!

Jamie said...

PS I hope you don't mind, a copied your lillypie ticker idea. : ) Too cute!

Katelyn said...

Wow!What a day! Congratulations on surviving and Ill see you tomorrow!

Carley said...

you are a much better mom than you give yourself credit for! you do an amazing job with both your kids!! :) love ya!

Carley said...
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