Charlie rocking her big Texas hair. Emmy made a comment about Aqua Net when I showed her this. I'm really not sure what her hair is going to do but I'm still welcoming suggestions.
One of those moments when you walk around the corner and about start crying. Probably because you're pregnant. This was at Mimi's house.
Ty on his winter playground.
Charlie sacked out after her 1 yr. checkup where she got 5 shots. Look at the rolls. P.S. she started crawling yesterday!
I loved the pic at the piano...yea for Charlie!!!! Have you considered big TX bows like my daughter wears? It's just attached to an alligator clip, so it slides in at the front where the length is....
That's a sweet pic with Ty and Sean at the piano. :) Woo-Hoo that she started crawling! Can't wait to see her in action.
PS...all the girls last night think the baby's name is sean after seeing the stocking. I had to explain. Too funny!
Little Charlie - her bangs are doing just naturally what I spent an hour every morning before Jr. High trying to get mine to do. She is so happy just BEING. I think she will figure out walking pretty soon. Right now she is having too much fun watching Momma, Daddy, and that boy who says "Uh Nuh" and "Hep."
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