This girl must be tough

Look at her muscles. I mean really. She must be tough. If she hadn't been burning up this morning when I picked her up I might have missed the fact that she had a raging ear infection. I thought she was just teething.
Which she was. Is. Teething. She's wanted me to carry her around and taken mini-naps for about a week but slept fine at night. She must be tough! Earlier today after we left the Dr office, though, she wasn't looking so tough.

See. Awwwww. I felt sorry for her so I gave her the bun of my sandwich on the way home. She loved it. Who knew hamburger buns could soothe a sore ear?
I'd just like to throw in that due to Wednesdays being horrible days for our our moms coming to help, I took them all with me. The appt was at 10:30 and Ty starts school at 11:45. My Dr office is 38 minutes away. I know I know. But I'm not switching. Pediatricians' offices are not always in time. You do the math and tell me how in the world I made it back to get him to school on time. It was a Wednesday miracle.
And I'm glad that she is already starting to feel better. See, ear infections are new to me. I've taken them in for what I thought was an ear infection approximately 728 times, (just a ballpark figure,) but each kid has only had one. I'm so lucky!
Putting them all to bed early so I'll say goodnight.
But not before wishing Mr. Cody a Happy Birthday! He is one year old...how did the time fly so fast? Carley wrote a sweet picture-filled post about his first year. Love him!
Thanks for the shout out to Cody! I'm sure people will regret that you told them to look at my long....its a LONG one! :)
Sorry Joy has an ear ache...hope she sleeps all night!
poor little miss!! i H.A.T.E. ear infections!! both of my twins have them right now :(. her little eyes look so blue in the pics...beautiful!
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