Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Nattie. Your grandkids are nuts

Today is Nattie's (my mom) Birthday and although I called her my usual 15+ times today I missed my window earlier to dedicate a post to I had to wait until the kids were down to write one. So here goes:

To Nattie on her __birthday,

For a mom who never let me jump on a bed, you sure think it's funny that MY kids climb into cribs to jump. When I called you to tell you they'd broken one of the biggest rules in my house, you laughed. A lot.

For a mom who always dressed us up and ironed our clothes, you don't get onto me, (at least not often,) about my homeless-looking crew.

For a mom who has never willingly woken up before 8:00 am, you welcome these hoodlums into bed with you when they wake 7.

A big shout-out to Aunt Rhonda, (mom's sister,) for Ty's ukulele. Really, truly his love language. He couldn't be happier. In fact, I have a whole post dedicated to his new instrument.

Back to Mom.

For a mom who taught us that cereal totally counts as dinner, you sure do cook a whole variety of things for my kids.

For a mom who often stops to smell the roses and taught us to do the same,

And for a mom who has rescued me so many times when I was at my wits' end when Sean was traveling,

For a mom who can't possibly do a better job as a mom and a grandmother, we wish you the happiest of birthdays.

Your grandkids are nuts. About you, about your house, about being around you.

And they're also just nuts in the crazy sense.


1 comment:

The Vineyards said...

I love that picture of Charlie.. So precious.