Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bring the Rain

Today there is much more happiness in the air. Yesterday afternoon, (after I posted,) my Dr. office called with a delivery date that is a week earlier than what he told me yesterday. Sean and I talked for a long time last night about how we're "really" doing emotionally as we get closer to her birth. Over time it gets easier to read each other, which is true for any couple, but we're still trying to do better at asking for help/support when we need it instead of acting stronger than we are. We both do it--bad combination! Thankfully there were some moments between putting the kids to bed and putting myself to bed that gave us both sweet comfort. Thank You, Lord.

Today when I clicked on Angie Smith's blog (Bring the Rain) it hit me that today is the anniversary of her daughter's birth. It is also the anniversary of her daughter's death. Angie's blog is always very honest--she has ups and downs and shares them all. I had been following her blog for about 5 months when I had my sonogram to find out about our baby. The story of Audrey Caroline, Angie's daughter, was in many ways completely different from ours. In a few ways, though, it was similar. The night after finding out Joy's diagnosis I e-mailed Angie to tell her what her blog and testimony had done to encourage me even in those 24 hours and that I felt like she needed encouragement that very day. She is a mom. She is a believer. And she went in for her gender-check sonogram with her intuition telling her something wasn't right--all very familiar for me. I told her we weren't sure if the baby would survive, (because for that entire weekend we didn't know and were told we would have to 'wait and see,') and she replied that she was praying for us and asking God to perform a miracle. If you've read Joy's story here you know that He, in fact, did. We have faith that our daughter will survive.

Read her story if you haven't. Today of all days please say a prayer for her and her family.


Carley said...

Hang in there friend. You are almost there! Joy is a survivor!! I am so glad they moved your delivery date a week. I know that is real relief for you! This time next month we will get to meet Joy! I can't wait!

Emmy said...

I think May 6th is a good birthday for her to have. It really will be less than a month! That little 6-pounder is taking up a lot of space!

Jenny Seymore said...

I am a follower of her blog too. I'm glad that you & Sean were able to have some heartfelt communication before Joy arrives. She will be here before anyone knows it...what a blessing! :)

Michelle said...

Glad to hear Joy will be arriving a bit sooner! I am sure you are ready to meet this little girl that everyone has been praying for.