From where I'm sitting, things look pretty good don't you think? We have a full day today. I got to go (by myself!) down to Dallas to see Emmy join her new church and then just drove up to Denton to see Sean's family. We made it through Sean's first trip so that's reason enough to celebrate. My sister-in-law has a birthday today so there will be a house full of people and cake to boot. It's not hot enough to be miserable yet so I'm headed outside. Happy Sunday!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
My View
From where I'm sitting, things look pretty good don't you think? We have a full day today. I got to go (by myself!) down to Dallas to see Emmy join her new church and then just drove up to Denton to see Sean's family. We made it through Sean's first trip so that's reason enough to celebrate. My sister-in-law has a birthday today so there will be a house full of people and cake to boot. It's not hot enough to be miserable yet so I'm headed outside. Happy Sunday!
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Great Day to Be Alive

P.S. I feel better knowing Max was scouting for critters out in the field by Ty. Not that I would want him to be bitten by a snake or anything but it is his job to protect the family and all.
Okay so let's get real for a minute. Real honest. Things around here have been tricky the last few days. See, Sean went back to work this weekend and for the first time in about a month he is not here to help keep Ty's world in order. My little man is JUST LIKE my big man--he needs a schedule and order and repetition. The apple fell right under the tree in this case. Thankfully Charlie is like me and couldn't care less about any of those things :) Anyway, even with Mimi coming and Nattie staying the whole time Sean is gone, his world is a rockin' and he is, as Sean puts it, livin' on the edge. He averages about 25 fits a day, or should I say attempted fits. He knows he gets in trouble when he reaches a certain point so he goes right up to the edge of it and when I get onto him he stops. It is causing some edginess in me but I know why he's doing it so I am able to (mostly) keep myself under control. How humbling is it that a two year-old, (yes almost 3 year-old,) can tell exactly what it takes to push momma to the breaking point.
I was so worried about Charlie that it has been a bit of a surprise how Ty is reacting to the new dynamic. I'm praying for patience and clarity for how to respond and teach him. I just know he's confused about where his Daddy is and why he hasn't come back yet. Sean will be home tomorrow night and I'm sure he'll feel VERY loved and missed when Ty sees him. That in itself will be well worth the parenting struggles. Maybe.
Having Nattie here is extremely helpful--she's like the energizer bunny (unlimited energy and devotion to Ty,) so it's not nearly as rough as it would be otherwise. Here's hoping by the time I'm totally on my own for four days oh dear God the thought my energy level will be back to 100 % and I'll be ready.
For now, it's still a great day to be alive and it's also a humbling experience. My old boss used to tell us that if we wanted to learn how to be like Christ we should get married and if we wanted to feel the pain and suffering that Christ went through for us we should have children. Amen brother, Amen.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
18 Months
Charlie has grown up so much in the last few months it seems like she's older than she is...but she's still a baby. She doesn't want help walking and will pull pretty hard to make you let go of her hand. She doesn't need much to entertain her and would be happy to have a few sticks and maybe something to stick them in. See.
Because, well, he does.

My little monkey before her monkey days.

As of today she says: Bye bye, Daddy, Momma, Outside, Yeah, Down, Done, and Hi. She says a whole lot of other things but we have no idea what the actual words are :)
My Charlotte Mae is as good as they come and I can hardly believe how fast she has grown. I'm so glad God knew better than I did what I needed when He sent her to me. I thought He was crazy there for a while...
Monday, May 25, 2009
What Could Be Better Than a Toy You Can Drink From?
Isn't She Lovely
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Apparently You CAN Buy Happiness
As my mom said, "We got our 99 cents worth out of it just with these two pictures."

Big Lots decorations to the entertainment rescue once again. We drove down to Waxahachie yesterday to see my family for the day. My brother, sister-in-law and nephew came into town and we all played for a few hours. By played I mean we all talked and watched the kids study each other and fight over toys. The sharing award goes to Ty I have to say...he really liked his cousin Henry this trip!! He shared with Henry so much better than he does Charlie. Why is that? It's like they know even at a young age that they have to live with their siblings but can leave their cousins so why not have fun with them while you can.
Sean has been helping me at night with Joy, (along with my mom the nights she is here,) so I told him that today he needed to go see the new Terminator movie since he's been wanting to go for like 6 months since we saw the first trailer. He didn't argue. My first afternoon with three kids--granted it will be nap time, (Sean is a smart man) but I'm ready! Happy weekend!
Friday, May 22, 2009
This is it!
Okay y'all this is it for a while. Those of you who have been annoyed with me for changing my blog every day, this is my favorite. Until one of you talented gals (Heather, Joy) makes over my blog for me, we're sticking with it.
On a totally unrelated note, I just went out to find a few things for this in-between time (clothes,) because Sean gave me $ for Mother's Day just for that. A recommendation for you: don't try on clothes two weeks after you have a baby no matter how you delivered. It just doesn't make you feel great about how things are settling...or not settling in this case. And for those of you who commented on my post about the pretty dress, they are already out of any size that could possibly work for me. That pretty dress flew off the racks! Apparently I do have good taste after all.
Finally, baby Joy had her two week appt this morning and we got all good news! She now weighs 9 pounds and has grown over an inch -she's almost 23 inches long. Her lungs sound perfect and she is doing so well sleeping for me (us) we couldn't be happier. Who'd have thought things would level off this much in our house? Stay tuned...I'm sure something will fall apart soon!
On a totally unrelated note, I just went out to find a few things for this in-between time (clothes,) because Sean gave me $ for Mother's Day just for that. A recommendation for you: don't try on clothes two weeks after you have a baby no matter how you delivered. It just doesn't make you feel great about how things are settling...or not settling in this case. And for those of you who commented on my post about the pretty dress, they are already out of any size that could possibly work for me. That pretty dress flew off the racks! Apparently I do have good taste after all.
Finally, baby Joy had her two week appt this morning and we got all good news! She now weighs 9 pounds and has grown over an inch -she's almost 23 inches long. Her lungs sound perfect and she is doing so well sleeping for me (us) we couldn't be happier. Who'd have thought things would level off this much in our house? Stay tuned...I'm sure something will fall apart soon!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Family=From 0-5 in 4 years

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009
Carley is in labor!
So exciting! I'll update when I can here and for those of you who know Carley say a prayer (or 10) for her strength. She's determined to go natural for her delivery so we are going to pray that the Lord gives her exactly what she needs. I can't imagine since I've never even been in real labor minus the hour I was waiting on my epidural while laboring with Ty. That hour was one of the hardest of my life so you ladies that can do it make me look like a big sissy. Or is it sissie?
It doesn't boy Stevenson is on his way!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
So How Are You REALLY Doing?
I love my friends. I have good non-pushy but caring friends. I've been asked the question, "Okay, how are you REALLY doing?" a few times the last few days so I guess a real update is in order.
Update on Joy:
*she sleeps 3-4 hours between feedings and really sleeps the entire time. Her eyes have been open for a combined total of 2 hours since she was born. I'm not kidding. Dream baby so far. I love her. Not just because of this.
*we got a good report on her at her first pediatrician visit. I had to use the hospital pediatrician because you're well aware of how far we drive to go to our real one. She doesn't exactly do rounds an hour away consistently so for those first few days our babies see someone else. I don't trust someone else nearly like I trust Dr. Fowers so it was a great day Thursday to get a thumbs up.
*She had jaundice when we came home, (a first for me,) so they checked her levels and she has improved.
*She's back up to 8 lbs. 6 oz. so we're hopeful and confident she'll be back up to birth weight by her 2 week check-up. Woohoo for momma's milk production! And double woohoo for momma's very-worth-the-money Medela pump giving her a break from the pain. I nursed her yesterday and she hasn't forgotten how to do that so I feel confident we will continue our routine going back and forth between the two.
*She is a big hit with everyone, and even the other kids are happier with her than we anticipated.
Update on Charlie:
*She seems much better than she was last week sickness-wise, (I know that's not a real word,) but just started coughing again last night. Hoping she doesn't get any worse.
*She wants to touch Joy but obeys when we say, " easy," and just lightly pats her. I was most worried about what my bulldozer of a girl would do to the baby but she's such a toucher I think she will be okay with enough lap time with me and her daddy.
*The first time she saw Joy she laughed at her and kind of pointed then ran away and played. Whew. No eyeball poking from the get-go. Relief.
*She is killing her brother trying to do exactly what he does at all times. She doesn't seem to be bothered at all by him leaving the room when she walks in. The girl is confident that in time he will want to be her friend. I love that about her.
Update on Ty:
*The first morning I was home and he came downstairs he said, "Hi Mom!" and clapped. That was enough for me to know he missed me. I knew better than to expect a dramatic hug/cry and emotional reunion. He walked over to me and I hugged him but he pushed right past me and said, "Waffles?" True to form, the boy wakes up thinking about breakfast just like his momma.
*We had our cameras ready for the big reveal and sat down on the couch after breakfast so he could meet Joy. She was in her moses basket and he walked over to it and looked inside. I said, "Hi baby Joy." I nervously waited for what he was going to do...not afraid he'd want to hurt her but wanting him to be excited about her. He said, "Hi baby Joy." And smiled. Whew. Since then he will walk over to her basket and say hi to her periodically through the day.
*Right after the big reveal I went to my computer to sit down. He walked over and said, "Music?" He has learned we can play music for him on the computer and it's the highlight of his life. When I saw August Rush I was blown away by how similar the little boy is to Ty. Yes he will be famous one day. No, no, that's not what I mean. He is mesmerized by music and will sit for an hour if we let him. Bonus that he started dancing too.
During our little concert, I played the song, "It Won't Be Like This for Long." The country song sung by Darius Rucker (sp?) that talks about bringing a new baby home, sending a child to preschool, etc. I sat and cried, soaking up the moment that I'd been missing for over a week. Just sitting with my little man watching him do what he loves. Pretty sure some hormones were swirling but I might have just been that happy, that content. Who cares which one. It was a great moment.
*He is almost 100 % recovered. He still has a cough but it's not as scary. He's eating and drinking again.
Update on Momma:
*By reading about the kids, you can guess I'm REALLY doing okay. I'd even say I'm doing well!
My mom is helping a ton and so is my Dad now that the weekend has started. Sean is home, a huge blessing and a key ingredient to my emotional stability right after having a baby.
*Did you read the part about how much Joy is sleeping? I've always said if I can just recover for a week or so then I can handle a lot more of what the baby throws at me and we're past that point. My pain level is much lower and I am wanting to DO MORE instead of fading into the back bedroom like last week. It's all downhill from here...I'm sure I'll retract that statement at some point but the unknown is bliss in this situation.
*God has answered so many requests and prayers on Joy's behalf so I know He has chosen for her to be here. He has chosen what her life will be and that gives me great comfort. The reminders of His provisions are constantly in my path so I know He will help me when we hit rough patches. I'm sure they're coming :)
Lord knows you're bored by now...maybe a picture post next time? Yes Okay.
Update on Joy:
*she sleeps 3-4 hours between feedings and really sleeps the entire time. Her eyes have been open for a combined total of 2 hours since she was born. I'm not kidding. Dream baby so far. I love her. Not just because of this.
*we got a good report on her at her first pediatrician visit. I had to use the hospital pediatrician because you're well aware of how far we drive to go to our real one. She doesn't exactly do rounds an hour away consistently so for those first few days our babies see someone else. I don't trust someone else nearly like I trust Dr. Fowers so it was a great day Thursday to get a thumbs up.
*She had jaundice when we came home, (a first for me,) so they checked her levels and she has improved.
*She's back up to 8 lbs. 6 oz. so we're hopeful and confident she'll be back up to birth weight by her 2 week check-up. Woohoo for momma's milk production! And double woohoo for momma's very-worth-the-money Medela pump giving her a break from the pain. I nursed her yesterday and she hasn't forgotten how to do that so I feel confident we will continue our routine going back and forth between the two.
*She is a big hit with everyone, and even the other kids are happier with her than we anticipated.
Update on Charlie:
*She seems much better than she was last week sickness-wise, (I know that's not a real word,) but just started coughing again last night. Hoping she doesn't get any worse.
*She wants to touch Joy but obeys when we say, " easy," and just lightly pats her. I was most worried about what my bulldozer of a girl would do to the baby but she's such a toucher I think she will be okay with enough lap time with me and her daddy.
*The first time she saw Joy she laughed at her and kind of pointed then ran away and played. Whew. No eyeball poking from the get-go. Relief.
*She is killing her brother trying to do exactly what he does at all times. She doesn't seem to be bothered at all by him leaving the room when she walks in. The girl is confident that in time he will want to be her friend. I love that about her.
Update on Ty:
*The first morning I was home and he came downstairs he said, "Hi Mom!" and clapped. That was enough for me to know he missed me. I knew better than to expect a dramatic hug/cry and emotional reunion. He walked over to me and I hugged him but he pushed right past me and said, "Waffles?" True to form, the boy wakes up thinking about breakfast just like his momma.
*We had our cameras ready for the big reveal and sat down on the couch after breakfast so he could meet Joy. She was in her moses basket and he walked over to it and looked inside. I said, "Hi baby Joy." I nervously waited for what he was going to do...not afraid he'd want to hurt her but wanting him to be excited about her. He said, "Hi baby Joy." And smiled. Whew. Since then he will walk over to her basket and say hi to her periodically through the day.
*Right after the big reveal I went to my computer to sit down. He walked over and said, "Music?" He has learned we can play music for him on the computer and it's the highlight of his life. When I saw August Rush I was blown away by how similar the little boy is to Ty. Yes he will be famous one day. No, no, that's not what I mean. He is mesmerized by music and will sit for an hour if we let him. Bonus that he started dancing too.
During our little concert, I played the song, "It Won't Be Like This for Long." The country song sung by Darius Rucker (sp?) that talks about bringing a new baby home, sending a child to preschool, etc. I sat and cried, soaking up the moment that I'd been missing for over a week. Just sitting with my little man watching him do what he loves. Pretty sure some hormones were swirling but I might have just been that happy, that content. Who cares which one. It was a great moment.
*He is almost 100 % recovered. He still has a cough but it's not as scary. He's eating and drinking again.
Update on Momma:
*By reading about the kids, you can guess I'm REALLY doing okay. I'd even say I'm doing well!
My mom is helping a ton and so is my Dad now that the weekend has started. Sean is home, a huge blessing and a key ingredient to my emotional stability right after having a baby.
*Did you read the part about how much Joy is sleeping? I've always said if I can just recover for a week or so then I can handle a lot more of what the baby throws at me and we're past that point. My pain level is much lower and I am wanting to DO MORE instead of fading into the back bedroom like last week. It's all downhill from here...I'm sure I'll retract that statement at some point but the unknown is bliss in this situation.
*God has answered so many requests and prayers on Joy's behalf so I know He has chosen for her to be here. He has chosen what her life will be and that gives me great comfort. The reminders of His provisions are constantly in my path so I know He will help me when we hit rough patches. I'm sure they're coming :)
Lord knows you're bored by now...maybe a picture post next time? Yes Okay.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Texas Has Got Talent
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Ticker where have you gone?
UPDATE: Check out Joy's new ticker--One week old!
I can't believe I'm saying this but I just had the urge to put on makeup and get out of the house. Yes, friends, the healing has really begun when you care about things like venturing out and making yourself presentable. Thank You Jesus for really strong Motrin. And helpful parents. And that I am going back to my own house tonight to see my still-sick but recovering little boy and husband. Charlie has been staying with her Mimi and I'll see her tomorrow at some point...last I heard she got her first sucker at the bank and couldn't have been more content. Aren't grandmothers great? I never give them suckers because I have to clean them off afterward. It has nothing to do with sugar or the aftermath of it--I'm all about an easy clean-up.
I tried to change Joy's ticker (the thing that tells how old she is,) just now and erased it. I'm blessed ?? with a Mac loving husband so now that I'm used to my computer at home when I'm on a PC I get all confused. It's either that or I'm now so lazy about techie things since the Mac loving husband always tends to stuff that I just punt really quick. I fear it's the latter.
Can I throw in a few suggestions to you mommas whose babies have reflux? Ty and Charlie both did and both were on meds for a few months so we assume Joy could have it too. We treat her as if she does and have found after many different sleepless nights there a few tricks that seem to help across the board: elevate the baby from early on. Use one of the wedge things or put something under the head of their mattress. Be sure to take the wedge out of their bed once they can roll over! A big one: keep them upright for a while after each feeding. With Ty it was 30 minutes, which nearly killed me and everyone else who fed him. Charlie only got about 15 minutes after each feeding, and it's looking like Joy will get maybe 5. The third kid, bless her heart. She has actually done really well with that little time so either she doesn't have reflux or hers is a mild case. I'm not changing anything since her feeding/sleeping schedule has gone really smoothly so far. Another tip we've found to work is that if they fuss after laying them down and you know they've eaten enough (how do you really know that?) they have another burp that needs to come out. It is almost fool-proof!
We take her in tomorrow morning to meet our beloved Dr. Fowers. When Sean took the kids in last week to see her (it had been since February which I can hardly believe,) she asked how Joy was doing. Sean told her about our news and she teared up. Isn't that sweet? We LOVE her.
The feeding bell just went off. That's another way of saying she's awake and ready to eat so adios for now. Did I tell you that Ty says that now? He'll say, "Bye bye Mommy. Adios!" I cannot wait to see him. I wonder what he'll do if I burst into tears? This is the longest I've ever been away from either one of them much less both of them. It has been a restful few days but way too long to be away. Okay now the feeding bell has really gone off and we're in danger of disturbing people.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I just had the urge to put on makeup and get out of the house. Yes, friends, the healing has really begun when you care about things like venturing out and making yourself presentable. Thank You Jesus for really strong Motrin. And helpful parents. And that I am going back to my own house tonight to see my still-sick but recovering little boy and husband. Charlie has been staying with her Mimi and I'll see her tomorrow at some point...last I heard she got her first sucker at the bank and couldn't have been more content. Aren't grandmothers great? I never give them suckers because I have to clean them off afterward. It has nothing to do with sugar or the aftermath of it--I'm all about an easy clean-up.
I tried to change Joy's ticker (the thing that tells how old she is,) just now and erased it. I'm blessed ?? with a Mac loving husband so now that I'm used to my computer at home when I'm on a PC I get all confused. It's either that or I'm now so lazy about techie things since the Mac loving husband always tends to stuff that I just punt really quick. I fear it's the latter.
Can I throw in a few suggestions to you mommas whose babies have reflux? Ty and Charlie both did and both were on meds for a few months so we assume Joy could have it too. We treat her as if she does and have found after many different sleepless nights there a few tricks that seem to help across the board: elevate the baby from early on. Use one of the wedge things or put something under the head of their mattress. Be sure to take the wedge out of their bed once they can roll over! A big one: keep them upright for a while after each feeding. With Ty it was 30 minutes, which nearly killed me and everyone else who fed him. Charlie only got about 15 minutes after each feeding, and it's looking like Joy will get maybe 5. The third kid, bless her heart. She has actually done really well with that little time so either she doesn't have reflux or hers is a mild case. I'm not changing anything since her feeding/sleeping schedule has gone really smoothly so far. Another tip we've found to work is that if they fuss after laying them down and you know they've eaten enough (how do you really know that?) they have another burp that needs to come out. It is almost fool-proof!
We take her in tomorrow morning to meet our beloved Dr. Fowers. When Sean took the kids in last week to see her (it had been since February which I can hardly believe,) she asked how Joy was doing. Sean told her about our news and she teared up. Isn't that sweet? We LOVE her.
The feeding bell just went off. That's another way of saying she's awake and ready to eat so adios for now. Did I tell you that Ty says that now? He'll say, "Bye bye Mommy. Adios!" I cannot wait to see him. I wonder what he'll do if I burst into tears? This is the longest I've ever been away from either one of them much less both of them. It has been a restful few days but way too long to be away. Okay now the feeding bell has really gone off and we're in danger of disturbing people.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
What's My Name?
You've heard me say life with a new baby is like a fog. I'm sure it's no different for any new parent-this stuff is a crazy mix of elation, exhaustion, aches, pains, and wonderment that this is really YOUR child. For my family, add in a little drama and there you have the last few days! Oh I forget...all families have that too.
Both big kids (ha!) are still sick. Their Daddy is taking care of them-how thankful am I that he can do that without a single instruction from me?? We joke that he would be a better stay-at-home parent than I am because he can do everything AND clean :)
I'm at Nattie and Popeye's house, with a living room setup complete with bed and remote control. I grew up in this house and as much as I miss my family and feel like I'm missing the kids more by the second, this is a nice place to be with my little (back to 8 lbs.) girl.
To update you pregnant or new moms, actually any woman who has given birth, everything hurts almost to the unbearable point. I mentioned that I found out after the surgery was over that I basically had two separate surguries and I thought the tubal was like salt and peppering a meal. Ahem...not the case. An extra day in the hospital was a good decision as well as no pain meds to spare myself nausea. I'm taking Motrin so I'm not totally crazy! Nursing really hurts in the beginning and I barely recognize who I see in the mirror but I'm hopeful that within a week or two things will settle down in the production department and clothes will fit again. No I'm not talking about normal clothes...just normal nursing undergarments.
Joy is doing so well sleeping, eating, sleeping, eating, you know, living the newborn life. She is patient with her momma who averages 45 seconds to sit up in bed to pick her up. I'm trying to sit up that whole time, looking much like a turtle trapped on my back I imagine. Somebody should capture it on film but my parents are my only roommates and they don't think it's as funny as I do. Thank God for them.
Looks like it's time to eat again for the little miss. Thanks for walking this journey with us and rejoicing in the miracle God has given us over the last few weeks. Your prayers meant so much during the scary months and now you're part of her story. And mine.
Love, Mary
Both big kids (ha!) are still sick. Their Daddy is taking care of them-how thankful am I that he can do that without a single instruction from me?? We joke that he would be a better stay-at-home parent than I am because he can do everything AND clean :)
I'm at Nattie and Popeye's house, with a living room setup complete with bed and remote control. I grew up in this house and as much as I miss my family and feel like I'm missing the kids more by the second, this is a nice place to be with my little (back to 8 lbs.) girl.
To update you pregnant or new moms, actually any woman who has given birth, everything hurts almost to the unbearable point. I mentioned that I found out after the surgery was over that I basically had two separate surguries and I thought the tubal was like salt and peppering a meal. Ahem...not the case. An extra day in the hospital was a good decision as well as no pain meds to spare myself nausea. I'm taking Motrin so I'm not totally crazy! Nursing really hurts in the beginning and I barely recognize who I see in the mirror but I'm hopeful that within a week or two things will settle down in the production department and clothes will fit again. No I'm not talking about normal clothes...just normal nursing undergarments.
Joy is doing so well sleeping, eating, sleeping, eating, you know, living the newborn life. She is patient with her momma who averages 45 seconds to sit up in bed to pick her up. I'm trying to sit up that whole time, looking much like a turtle trapped on my back I imagine. Somebody should capture it on film but my parents are my only roommates and they don't think it's as funny as I do. Thank God for them.
Looks like it's time to eat again for the little miss. Thanks for walking this journey with us and rejoicing in the miracle God has given us over the last few weeks. Your prayers meant so much during the scary months and now you're part of her story. And mine.
Love, Mary
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Going home kind of
Saturday, May 9, 2009
What? No pictures?
True to form for my family, Charlie got sick yesterday-high fever and only wanted Sean so his parents brought the kids home and Sean took them to the Dr yesterday afternoon. Tests are all negative so Dt Fowers said it's know the drill!
Sean hasn't been here since the night before (mom traded with him,) so I don't have new pictures to show you. Today at some point they will trade places. I am staying an extra day from what I have before because I'm still in a lot of pain and was nauseous quite a bit of yesterday. The good pain meds make me queasy so I'm on something more mild and it's worth it for the most part. My Dr said the tubal can set you back a few extra days...he told me this yesterday. Thanks for the heads up.
Talk to you soon...gonna feed my miracle growing baby!
Sean hasn't been here since the night before (mom traded with him,) so I don't have new pictures to show you. Today at some point they will trade places. I am staying an extra day from what I have before because I'm still in a lot of pain and was nauseous quite a bit of yesterday. The good pain meds make me queasy so I'm on something more mild and it's worth it for the most part. My Dr said the tubal can set you back a few extra days...he told me this yesterday. Thanks for the heads up
Talk to you soon...gonna feed my miracle growing baby!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Here I sit
Here I sit in that hospital bed I told you about a few weeks ago...the one I was ready for. I have been watching the clock for about 20 minutes wondering where my girl is. After all, she last ate about four hours ago! I'm not complaining--at least not about that! This go 'round has been a doozy. All good, all worth it, all gifts from God.
Joy is just a doll. She looks like Ty and acts like Charlie so far, which is a winning combination. Her body seems so small though I've been told she is, in fact, quite a bit bigger than most of the babies here. Her cry is one that asks for help and attention, not an angry cry. She is precious and perfect, right down to her toes that imitate mine...a little bit weird in how they sit. I'll show pictures once we get really settled!
Here she comes-got to run. Thanks so much for the prayers and visits. I'm turning a corner on the pain front so I should be back here sooner than later :)
Joy is just a doll. She looks like Ty and acts like Charlie so far, which is a winning combination. Her body seems so small though I've been told she is, in fact, quite a bit bigger than most of the babies here. Her cry is one that asks for help and attention, not an angry cry. She is precious and perfect, right down to her toes that imitate mine...a little bit weird in how they sit. I'll show pictures once we get really settled!
Here she comes-got to run. Thanks so much for the prayers and visits. I'm turning a corner on the pain front so I should be back here sooner than later :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
This is Emmy, Mary's sister. She is here. Healthy and 8 lb. 11 oz. That's all I know! Mary is out of surgery and, most important, SHE GOT HER TUBES TIED! Mary is doing well, too. Carley or I will be updating soon!
****Update: This is Carley adding to Emmy's post. One more stat....Joy is 21 inches long! Pam (Mary's mom) just called and Mary was right there and doing great! Pam said that Joy is heathly and her lungs are working great!
More updates to come!
Update #2 from Emmy (1:45 pm): My mother texted me that Joy is in the room with Mary and is nursing. Mom says "she is nursing great," which I guess means that she knows what to do and that she is hungry! I also heard that she cries REALLY loud.
Carley or I will post pictures as soon as we get some.
****Update: This is Carley adding to Emmy's post. One more stat....Joy is 21 inches long! Pam (Mary's mom) just called and Mary was right there and doing great! Pam said that Joy is heathly and her lungs are working great!
More updates to come!
Update #2 from Emmy (1:45 pm): My mother texted me that Joy is in the room with Mary and is nursing. Mom says "she is nursing great," which I guess means that she knows what to do and that she is hungry! I also heard that she cries REALLY loud.
Carley or I will post pictures as soon as we get some.
All checked in
Writing from my hospital bed...probably the last time today but Carley and Emmy will be filling you in. It's a great day to have a baby! I'm all hooked up and waiting for the games to begin. Look for pictures soon...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Not To Us
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Mommy just told me I'm about to have a little sister

On Friday I made my last Walmart run and did what you're not supposed to do: go to the store hungry. Not only did I stock up on lots of snack stuff--for the kids, mostly anyway--I managed to get a full meal on the way home. Two popsicles, a banana, almonds, vanilla wafers and a Diet Dr. Pepper. Don't lie--you've done it before!
You haven't?
Oh. Well it was fairly well-balanced compared to what I eat the first few months of pregnancy.
I have my last sonogram in the morning at the perinatal specialist. While at the hospital I also have to go do blood work for Wednesday and turn all of my papers in. My guess is that I'll be gone all morning then tomorrow afternoon Sean's sister Amy and her family are coming over to entertain us. Technically I invited to entertain them but now she's bringing everything and the kids will, no doubt, be entertained by their older cousins. Tuesday will be a blur I'm sure--I'm hoping time will fly as it usually does--and we take the kids to Mimi and Pops house Tuesday night to stay for a few days. I check in at 5:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, (can I really be talking about THIS WEEK?) and surgery is supposed to start at 7:30. My OB gets back from Europe just in time to deliver her and as much as I've tried to talk the other doctors in his practice into taking her out the last few weeks I'm so glad it will be him. Here's hoping he won't have jet lag...
I'll have people updating here so all of you prayer warriors know what is happening. We are still overwhelmed when people tell us they have prayed for Joy this whole time. What a gift you are giving us! We are hopeful and calm. Granted it is still a few days out :)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
One Last Hurrah...At Least While Pregnant

Sean and Ty are on their way to Home Depot for the kids program thing they do--I've mentioned it before but the first weekend of every month they offer a FREE program for kids where they learn to build things. Something different every month and Ty loves going. His little apron is so rippin' cute. Gotta help them get going then Sean and I are heading out for an afternoon date. Enjoy your Saturday!
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