There's a big sucker somewhere in her mouth

Oh abacus (sp?) how he loves you

There's the sucker that was hidden in her mouth-99 cents of happiness

Nattie and Popeye gave the kids these to save my sanity when packing them up for a trip

Baby Joy had already soiled her suit that matched the big kids so she wore her new cute bib so she was still festive. Not that watermelons have a lick of anything to do with Christmas.

I went with a girlie color for Charlie's bag to cut down on the boy confusion...Ty got a bag too but I don't think I took a picture of it. His name is in block letters and is navy. Oh look there it is right behind Charlie's. Man I need some caffeine.

Charlie's favorite gifts were edible. No one was surprised by this.

Joy's favorite gifts were from the dollar store, which may or may not be the only place I shopped for her this year. Like she cares, come on. She can play with the toys we have and they are all like new to her!

Charlie's first My Little Pony. It came with its own brush. Oh glory.

The gift of all gifts for my big kids...the
car wash. It's already gotten about 120 hours of play since Christmas with Sean's family. I found it at a resale shop in town and knew instantly it'd be a hit. It was. It is. Thankfully they got some new cars for Christmas from their cousins so it's a whole new world to play with.

New stockings I found at Old Navy for $1 each a few weeks before Christmas. I kept our "real" ones and they will be up next year if I'm judging by Sean's face when he saw these. He was like, 'Purple? Pink? Really, Mary? It's Christmas. Do we still have the red and green ones?"
Creativity isn't his strong suit.
I'll use both next year and maybe Santa will only put stuff in Sean's new fancy/creative stocking to get him used to them.

See Baby Jesus (the nativity) behind Charlie? That's what she refers to as "Baby Jesus, so funny..." She really misses playing with this little set now that I've put it up. Would y'all think it was wrong to leave it up year-round? Well never mind. I already put it in the attic.

It was pure sugar-induced happiness.
I leave my nativity out all year...I'm sure a kids one would be ok too. ha! Remember I told you about that nativity not having a shepherd? Well, it doesn't come with one....you have to order the sherpherd (and the inn) separately. Strange! I still love it and can't wait for Cody to play with it next year. Looks like a fun Christmas! I bet that Ty really likes that counting toy! That's a great gift for him. Love Charlie's love for suckers and edible necklaces and Joy is adorable in that bib!! I love those matching pj's!! So fun! That's hilarious that Sean didn't like the stockings....I remember you saying he wouldn't when you bought them....you were right. Thansk again for watching our house while we were gone. It's great to be home...Looking forward to lunch on Thursday and catching up with you!
Oh and I love the bags! What a great idea to make it easier for you to pick in! My mom got Cody a little suitcase and it was nice to have his things in one place instead of sharing a bag with us! Those are great bags for your kids!
Grandparents everywhere must've joined together to get luggage for their grandbabies, because my kids got them too! Mary... I can't believe how grown-up Charlie looks- has it really been that long since I've seen her? All of a sudden, she looks 4 years old! And the carwash toy is awesome. We were given a well-loved one...and only now when I see your photos did I realize ours is missing several pieces on the top! LOL!
And it goes without saying- I really love those PJ's!
Their pjs are adorable! I love the pic of Ty on your mantle. I remember you posting it awhile back. It looks awesome blown up to that size. I love taking pics of my boys but rarely EVER print them out. In fact, I have only 5 framed pics of Will and none of Reed. I guess I need to work on that. But I did use a lot of Will's pictures in a scrapbook from his first year that is about 75% done. Have you ever used www.howfasttimeflies.com? They do digital scrapbooking and it is awesome! It looks so real I actually had to touch the page to make sure it was just printed ribbon and not actual ribbon. It can get expensive but they do specials and it is probably a little cheaper than actually doing the page yourself once you pay to print the pics and all the tools to cut the paper, etc.
I like the picture of the car wash - where you can see me in the background holding a bottle for Joy at a very uncomfortable angle!! The kid has some strong neck muscles.
those stockings are seriously cute!!
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