This weekend flew by and I'm not sure that we did any more than normal but it feels like we did. I think this heat makes walking around outside feel like exercise. So just living wears me out. That's my excuse for being out of breath after going up the stairs.
Anyway, here are a few pictures from the weekend.

I finally conquered a fear I've had for two years: taking my kids by myself to the rec center in town. There are so many fun reasons to go there but the thought of the three of them going different directions scared me. I'm sure that's a rational fear, (as opposed to my irrational ones...) but I've taken the big kids enough to be able to trust them to stay where I tell them to stay. Joy usually stays home with Sean when I take the other kids but that limits us to only going when he's home. Also known as times when activities aren't scarce anyway because the head entertainer is home. So anyway I took the kids last Thursday night. College students count Thursday as the start to the weekend so I am too.
I'm happy to report that I made it home with all three kids. And the bonus, (getting home with them all was my only goal,) was that they all loved it and it wasn't scary at all. Turns out Joy doesn't LOVE it there so she stays close to me. And big sister wants to be by Joy so really I only had to watch Ty and he's the most reliable as far as obeying my boundaries/rules. This wasn't always the case but I've told him that I won't bring him to swim there if he doesn't obey. Suddenly he's as pure as a child can be. Imagine that.

Our princess supply has been growing in size so now we have almost every room in the house outfitted for princess play. Poor Ty has lost his main playmate-Charlie-to the other little girl in the house. Poor Ty. He needs another boy to play with.
Don't even go there.

Aw look at the boys playing the piano together. Today we had another open house, (I forget how many we have had honestly but it's on the other side of ten for sure,) so we went to Sean's parents house for the afternoon. During church I invited Carley and Cody to come too since her hubby wasn't here for the day and they rode in the car with us. My kids love having a friend in the car! They like to point things out like, "Hey did you know this is my car seat? isn't that neat?"
Yes, team honey Carley and Cody didn't know that. Thank you for sharing!
Meet my new build-everything-outfit-wise-around-them favorite things:

Hello. Posting pics of these Wednesday.
Now on to a different topic: Questions
I've kept emails and comments for a while now and thought I'd answer some of the repeat questions y'all have. I composed a list along with my answers, saved it, and tried to find it tonight to post then discovered that when I saved it I actually um, didn't. I don't know what happened but I know that it's not ground breaking news or anything. This is an invitation, though, to leave me a question and I'll answer it for you. If it's too personal and/or not fitting to share here but you still want to ask it just email me at and I'll answer you that way. You could ask via email and I'll share your question anonymously and give my answer here. That's another option.
Some of the questions I am asked most are:
How much money do you make from advertising on your blog?
What is What I Wore Wednesday and why waste time worrying about you wear?
What pushed you to share your story about anxiety? What medication are you taking?
What did you do before you stayed home with the kids? Are you going back to it?
What denomination are you?
And my most asked question: How is Ty doing?
I'm so happy to share the answers to all of these and I'm working to compose another answer post. Just add one to my list if you want to and I'll answer it!